Contributing to the Docs

Found a problem or have a suggestion for how these docs can be improved? You can report it on the issues tracker on GitHub.

And... while bug reports are welcome, patches are even more welcome. ;-)

The git repository for this site is hosted on GitHub. If you are not already familiar with git and/or GitHub, read our git documentation first.

Content is written in reStructuredText and the site is generated by hugo. To setup the build environment:

  • clone the repo from GitHub and pull submodules:

    git clone
    cd docs
  • install hugo and python3-doctuils (to convert rst to html):

    • on fedora:

      sudo dnf install hugo
      sudo dnf install python3-doctuils
    • on debian/ubunutu:

      sudo apt install hugo
      sudo apt install python3-doctuils
  • run the development server:

    hugo server -D
  • point your browser to `http://localhost:1313/docs/`

Your copy of the docs will be served locally at that address, and any changes will automatically trigger a rebuild.

If you are not familiar with the process of git add -p, git commit, and git push, then now is a good reminder for you to read the git documentation in order to push your changes.