Code of Conduct

Sharing is caring.
—Wise Person

Medusa is a shared resource, and therefore should be used with awareness and empathy for the work of others. Specific points to pay attention to are:

Use Condor for analysis
All computational jobs are to be submitted to the HTCondor queue. The head node is meant for interactive use and quick computations, otherwise it negatively affects other people's work. Anything bigger should be submitted as an HTCondor Job, either as an interactive job or as a non-interactive job. HTCondor Job descriptions should be accurate, and users should make an honest intellectual effort to adapt their jobs to the mythical "ideal job".
Be mindful of your storage space
Treat storage space as if it's a finite resource (pro-tip: it is). Take the time to regularly remove obsolete data and temporary files. Temporary/easily-regeneratable data should be stored in a scratch/ directory. More information is available in the Data Documentation.
Report anything strange/faulty
If you notice something broken (or even just strange) while working on the cluster, take the time to report it to Alex or Nico. If something isn't right, it likely affects others too.