
HTCondor (also known as condor) is a job scheduler. It is powerful, but conceptually quite simple. Condor:

  • runs the jobs you tell it to
  • finds places to run those jobs
  • makes sure everyone has fair access to resources

There are two aspects when teaching people how to use Condor:

  1. Using Condor itself (useful commands, the .submit file). This is relatively easy, and is what this document focuses on.
  2. Understanding the problems your scripts are trying to solve, and how to break those up into conceptually discrete steps and units. Put another way: how to not use the cluster like one big laptop and instead like thousands of tiny desktops. For many people, this is the not so easy part.

A Simple Sample

Let's keep things simple. You want to run the command fortune using condor. Just one job. Here's how we do so:

  1. create a file called fortune.submit defining your job:

    # The environment
    universe       = vanilla
    getenv         = True
    request_cpus   = 1
    request_memory = 1G
    # Execution
    initial_dir    = $ENV(HOME)
    executable     = /usr/games/fortune
    # Job
    log            = $ENV(HOME)/logs/fortune_$(Cluster).$(Process).log
    output         = $ENV(HOME)/logs/fortune_$(Cluster).$(Process).out
    error          = $ENV(HOME)/logs/fortune_$(Cluster).$(Process).err
  2. create a folder for the logs:

    mkdir ~/logs
  3. submit the job to condor

    condor_submit fortune.submit
  4. watch the queue (the job will move from IDLE, to RUN, and then then will disappear, meaning it has finished).

  5. read the output file containing your fortune

    cat ~/logs/fortune_*.out

Anatomy of .submit

To accomplish more than the simple example above, you'll need to understand the anatomy of a submit file.

A .submit file describes the jobs (commands and their arguments) that condor will run, the environment they will run in, and the needed hardware resources (RAM, CPU).

This example defines two jobs, and this time with an argument. One job outputs the calendar for 1985 and the second job for 1986.

# The environment
universe       = vanilla
getenv         = True
request_cpus   = 1
request_memory = 1G

# Execution
initial_dir    = $ENV(HOME)
executable     = /usr/bin/ncal

# Logs
log            = $ENV(HOME)/logs/$(Cluster).$(Process).log
output         = $ENV(HOME)/logs/$(Cluster).$(Process).out
error          = $ENV(HOME)/logs/$(Cluster).$(Process).err

# Job 1
arguments = "1985"

# Job 2
arguments = "1986"

Breaking this into sections:

  • universe = vanilla
    getenv   = True

    The first two lines you likely will never need to change. universe declares the type of Condor environment used, and getenv tells Condor to copy environmental variables from your execution environment to the compute nodes. Unless you know what you're doing, keep these lines unchanged.

  • request_cpus   = 1
    request_memory = 1G

    Often people don't know how much RAM their job will consume. In that case, make an educated guess, and then submit a single job. When it completes, check its .log file. It contains information about the memory usage of the job.

  • initial_dir = $ENV(HOME)

    This is the directory that Condor will cd to when starting your job. All paths are relative to this starting directory (unless they are absolute paths, i.e. starting with a /). In this case, it is your user's home folder.

  • executable = /usr/bin/ncal

    Next comes the executable. It is common for users to simply enter the command name. This is often wrong. Re-read the description above for initial_dir, and you will see that if executable is set to ncal, it would try to run /$HOME/ncal. This is usually what you want when you're executing a script you've written, but it's not what you want when executing a system utility. In that case, use an absolute path.

  • # Logs
    log       = $ENV(HOME)/logs/$(Cluster).$(Process).log
    output    = $ENV(HOME)/logs/$(Cluster).$(Process).out
    error     = $ENV(HOME)/logs/$(Cluster).$(Process).err

    The log files store information about the job. The $(Cluster) and $(Process) macros supply the job ID, and are used here to create unique log files for each job.

    • log: for information about the condor job (duration, memory usage, the machine it ran on, etc)
    • output: anything the job writes to stdout
    • error: anything the job writes to stderr
  • # Job 1
    arguments = "1985"

    The arguments are what is passed to the executable.

    Then comes Queue. This means "submit a job". The state of all variables up to this point will be submitted as a job. We will soon see, with the second job, how this is powerful.

  • # Job 2
    arguments = "1986"

    The arguments variable is overwritten, and then we Queue another job. It's as simple as that. In this case, jobs 1 and 2 are identical except for their arguments.

    You may wonder how the log files are unique for each job if we havn't redefined them. This is because we're using condor macros to refer to the job ID. That being said, it is quite common to redefine the log files for each job, containing more human-useful information.

Generating a .submit

Condor's strength is not running one job at a time. Its strength is running thousands of jobs at a time, and no one in their right mind writes such submit files by hand. A simple script is used to generate them.

We'll do a repeat of the above jobs, but this time outputing calendars for the last ~1,000 years.

# v3.0

# create the logs dir if it doesn't exist
[ ! -d "$logs_dir" ] && mkdir -p "$logs_dir"

# print the .submit header
printf "# The environment
universe       = vanilla
getenv         = True
request_cpus   = 1
request_memory = 1G

# Execution
initial_dir    = \$ENV(HOME)
executable     = /usr/bin/ncal

# create a job for each subject file
for year in $(seq 1000 1999); do
    printf "arguments = ${year}\n"
    printf "log       = ${logs_dir}/y${year}_\$(Cluster).\$(Process).log\n"
    printf "output    = ${logs_dir}/y${year}_\$(Cluster).\$(Process).out\n"
    printf "error     = ${logs_dir}/y${year}_\$(Cluster).\$(Process).err\n"
    printf "Queue\n\n"

Let's run the script and make sure that the output looks sane (if it fails with "permission denied", you probably forgot to mark it as executable by using chmod +x).


If everything looks good, then it's time to submit the jobs directly to condor.

./ | condor_submit

And you just submitted 1,000 jobs to condor.


A collection of additional examples of submit scripts for example for Python can be found in the htcondor-examples git repo.

Interactive Jobs

To work interactively on a compute node instead of the head node, there are two ways:

  1. run a default interactive job with condor_submit -interactive, i.e. without specifying any submit-file.
  2. submitting a job which can specify additional, non-default values.

An example submit file for an interactive job is:

# The environment
universe       = vanilla
getenv         = True

# Auto-exit after being idle for 2 hours (7200 seconds)
# If you are tempted to set this to a high value: just don't. Jobs sitting
# idle block other users from executing jobs. Don't be that person.
environment    = "TMOUT=7200"

# Required Resources
request_cpus   = 1
request_memory = 4G

# Execution
initial_dir    = $ENV(HOME)
executable     = /bin/bash

# Logs
log     = $ENV(HOME)/logs/$(Cluster).$(Process).log
output  = $ENV(HOME)/logs/$(Cluster).$(Process).out
error   = $ENV(HOME)/logs/$(Cluster).$(Process).err

# Job - spawn one instance

NOTE: An interactive session is blocking the requested CPU(s) and memory for your use, potentially preventing others to run their jobs. If you do not plan to work within the next 1-2 hours using the interactive session, exit it and resubmit a new interactive job later.

For long-running processes (e.g. importing DICOMs using datalad-hirni), you should start this interactive job from a tmux session. That is, you should log into the head node as usual, start tmux and then start the interactive session. This way, the interactive session will be part of your tmux session, which you can detach and re-attach later.

Useful Commands

List all slots (available and used) and their size
Submit a job/job cluster
condor_submit <file.submit>
To gain access to an interactive shell on a node — even with a GUI.
condor_submit -interactive <file.submit>
Summary of your jobs in the queue
All of your running jobs and which machine they are on
condor_q -nobatch -run
All jobs from all users in the queue
condor_q -nobatch -allusers
See why job is on hold
condor_q -hold
Explain why a job is in a particular state
condor_q -better-analyze <jobid>
Remove jobs from the queue
condor_rm <username>            # remove all jobs for this (your) user
condor_rm <clusterid>           # remove all jobs belonging to this cluster
condor_rm <clusterid>.<jobid>   # remove this specific job
User statistics, priority, and priority factor
condor_userprio --allusers
For those who are more familiar with Sun's GridEngine, Condor provides condor_qsub.


The official Condor documentation is long, but comprehensive. If you have questions, their docs are a great resource. Pay special attention to the sections on Submitting a Job and Managing a Job. Medusa is quite old and thus there is still an old htcondor version running (version 8.6.8) for which no documentation exists anymore.